SWEN Insurance

Rationale of Swen Insurance Services Department

SWEN's Insurance Services Department is another sector of SWEN Shipping and Logistics Customer Service. To accurately and efficiently answer your queries, SWEN management decided to departmentalize our customer service department. At the moment, we have a pool of representatives who are in charge of shipping and logistics inquiries as well as transactions and another pool of representatives who are designated to address and provide advice on Insurance Services Inquiries.

insurance, car, car insurance

Adhering to our company objectives, SWEN Insurance Services Department is manned by well experienced and expert insurance advisors who can efficiently provide answers, pieces of advice and suggestions to any insurance related inquiries coming from our customers. They have been trained in the field of customer service and they are equipped with the right values to deliver an effective insurance related conversation with you.

SWEN Insurance Services Department offers  services on provision of shipping and logistics insurance premiums coming from our partners plus advice on additional insurance services that may be personally applicable to our clients.

Contact Us: insurance@swentsai.com